Also known as a forehead lift, a brow lift surgically alters the muscles and tissues that cause furrowing or drooping in the area above the eyes. Dr. Eric Mariotti, a board-certified plastic surgeon serving the East Bay, performs brow lift procedures to give you a smoother forehead and a more youthful, rested appearance.
or call our Concord office at 925-685-4533 to request a consultation.
Why a Brow Lift?
A brow lift is one of the best ways to raise drooping eyelids and improve the horizontal frown lines and deep furrows that can make a person appear angry, sad or tired. You may want to consider combining your brow lift with a facelift to attain a smoother look for your entire face. If you have significantly overhanging eyelids, eyelid surgery can also be performed simultaneously. Additionally, some patients who aren’t ready for surgery but have noticeable wrinkles on their brows can benefit from BOTOX® Cosmetic. You can discuss which of these options is best for you with Dr. Mariotti during your consultation visit.
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What to Expect
The brow lift procedure will be performed under general anesthesia as an outpatient procedure. Dr. Mariotti uses an endoscope, which is a narrow, hollow instrument with a fiber-optic light source and a camera, through which the procedure can be viewed. He will make three short incisions in the hairline. Using special, small instruments, Dr. Mariotti then lifts and repositions the forehead skin from beneath, thereby weakening the muscles that cause frown lines.
Before & After
View real patient before and after photos in our gallery.
Your New Look after a Brow Lift
Recovery following a brow lift procedure varies with each individual and your specific course of treatment. Recovery will be lengthier if more than one procedure is being performed, such as when eyelid surgery is combined with a forehead lift.
After surgery, you will go home with your head wrapped in dressings, which are usually removed on the first or second day. A brow lift does result in significant swelling and bruising for a few days, but initial discomfort is easily controlled with oral pain medication. Fortunately, healing is rapid and sutures or staples will be removed in 7 to 10 days, at which point most patients can return to work with a brighter, fresher-looking face.
How long the results of your brow lift last depends on many variables, including heredity, health, and lifestyle. Even though the aging process continues, patients are usually happy with their appearance for many years following surgery.
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Take the first step toward your dream look and contact us online or call our Concord office at 925-685-4533 to request a consultation.
Brow Lift FAQs
The average cost of a brow lift depends on many factors. There is your surgeon’s fee, anesthesia fees, operating room facility fees or other associated costs. If cost is an obstacle for you, discuss your financing options during your consultation to help make your procedure as affordable as possible.
Asking friends and family members who live near you is a great place to start your search for the best brow lift plastic surgeon. Narrow your search by looking at credentials like board certification with the American Board of Plastic Surgeons, experience performing facial plastic surgeries and online reviews. Finally, schedule a consultation with your top one or two picks to help you make your final decision.
A brow lift could be right for you if you are concerned with the appearance of a drooping or furrowed brow and/or prominent wrinkles and sagging skin in your forehead area. While a brow lift can address some level of eyelid drooping, you might consider combining a brow lift with an eyelid lift if significant eyelid drooping is a concern for you.
Most people report feeling minimal pain after a brow lift, though tenderness, discomfort, swelling and bruising are to be expected as you heal. Brow lifts are typically performed as outpatient procedures, so you should be able to go home and rest the same day as your surgery.
Plan on taking around 7 to 10 days off work to recover from your brow lift. Sutures are typically removed around this point, making most people feel comfortable returning to work and social activities. Note that you will still need to limit strenuous physical activity for several weeks after your brow lift as you continue to heal.
Brow lift results can last 10 to 12 years or even more, depending on a variety of factors like your age, genetics, surgical techniques and your lifestyle habits. Staying out of the sun, wearing sunscreen, eating a healthy diet and taking great care of your skin can prolong your results well after you get a brow lift.
BOTOX can be an effective option for milder signs of a drooping brow and drooping eyelids. However, BOTOX results are temporary, usually lasting around 3 to 6 months. Injectables like BOTOX also do not typically yield the same dramatic results as a surgical procedure, but they can be a good place to start in some cases.
*Information for education only, not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary. Unless otherwise noted, images on this site are of models.
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