Posted on October 6, 2021

3 Ways Breast Augmentation Has Changed in Recent Years

3 Ways Breast Augmentation Has Changed over the years

Medical technology, surgical techniques and aesthetic preferences continue to evolve and improve with each year, paving the way for today’s cutting-edge breast augmentation options. Take a look at three of the latest breast augmentation trends and how they could have a hand in shaping your procedure.

1. Gummy Bear Implants FTW

While officially FDA-approved in 2012, gummy bear implants have boomed in popularity in recent years. Gummy bear implants are a new and improved type of silicone breast implant that contains a cohesive silicone gel that retains its shape, even if the shell is broken. This gel is also very similar in feel and movement to natural breast tissue, offering a smooth, seemingly natural result.

2. Natural, Modest Breast Implants

The modern breast augmentation motto is no longer “go big or go home,” as may have been the case years ago. Today, the trend is to use modestly-sized breast implants to achieve a more natural, subtle boost of volume that remains in balance with your natural body proportions and frame. The mark of a great “boob job” in 2021 is that you can’t even tell they’re breast implants.

3. Smaller Incisions

Advanced technology, such as the use of a Keller funnel to insert certain implant types, has allowed breast augmentation incisions and resulting scars to come a long way in the past decade. Now, a skilled plastic surgeon can use an even smaller incision, making it ultra-easy to conceal under a bikini top or bra.

Interested in learning more or booking a breast augmentation consultation? Call our Concord office today at 925-685-4533 or contact us online.


3 Ways Breast Augmentation Has Changed in Recent Years
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3 Ways Breast Augmentation Has Changed in Recent Years
What are the latest breast augmentation trends? Board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Eric Mariotti in Concord, California shares three must-know trends.
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Dr. Eric Mariotti Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery
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