

In addition to the plastic surgery procedures you often hear about to boost a woman’s confidence, such as breast augmentation and liposuction, Dr. Eric Mariotti also sees an increasing number of women for labia reduction surgery.

This intricate procedure, technically called labiaplasty, helps women throughout the East Bay feel more attractive, confident, and comfortable.

or call our Concord office at 925-685-4533 to request a consultation.

Why Labiaplasty?

Labiaplasty img 1The female external genitals include the outer labia majora and inner labia minora. As with any body part, the appearance of this area varies between women.

There are a variety of factors that influence the size and shape of the labia including genetics, hormones, pregnancy, childbirth, and weight changes. Ideally, the inner labia are concealed and protected by the outer labia. Over time the inner labia may become enlarged, stretched, misshapen, or uneven.

Labiaplasty is a surgical procedure that reduces and reshapes the labia minora. Women choose labiaplasty for both aesthetic and physical reasons that often include a combination of the following:

  • Renewing self-confidence
  • Looking and feeling better in form-fitting clothing such as bathing suits and yoga pants
  • Increasing comfort during sexual activity and certain sports such as biking and horseback riding
  • Repairing damage caused by childbirth

While many labiaplasty patients have the procedure performed on its own, others include it in a personalized combination of cosmetic procedures called a mommy makeover to renew their bodies after pregnancy, childbirth, and breastfeeding.

Labiaplasty at a Glance

Procedure Length

  • Labiaplasty takes about 1 hour

Side Effects

  • Minor swelling and tenderness for 1 to 2 weeks
  • Sitting and using the restroom may be mildly uncomfortable for a few days


  • Uses either local anesthetic with deep sedation or general anesthetic

Exercise and Activity

  • No sexual intercourse or strenuous exercise for 4 weeks
  • Resume work and other regular activities after 5 to 7 days

Request a Consultation Today!

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If you want the best, go with the best. If there were 10 stars, I would give them 10 stars.

– Karina G. (Mommy Makeover)

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Dr. Mariotti is very personable, pleasant and down to earth.

– Teri W. (Tummy Tuck)

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I just had my tummy tuck done about 5 days ago and even with a little swelling, I’m in love.

– Staci P. (Tummy Tuck)

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My results are beyond fantastic.

– Colleen C. (Tummy Tuck)

Before & After

View real patient before and after photos in our gallery.


Enjoying Your Results

Patients usually have minor swelling and tenderness for 1 to 2 weeks after labia reduction. Most are ready to return to non-strenuous activities including work within a week. Typically within a month patients can return to their regular exercise routine and resume sexual activity.

Dr. Mariotti’s labiaplasty patients enjoy being able to confidently wear form-fitting pants and bathing suit bottoms. They also enjoy an enhanced quality of life that is less limited and more comfortable.

Start Today!

Take the first step toward your dream look and contact us online or call our Concord office at 925-685-4533 to request a consultation.

Labiaplasty FAQs

The cost of labiaplasty will depend on many factors, including surgeon fees and additional fees for anesthesia, operating room facilities, and other associated costs. We are happy to discuss financing options with you during your consultation to help make your procedure as affordable as possible.

Once you’ve narrowed your search based on board certification, medical training, experience, and other important credentials, check reviews from previous clients and ask friends or family for recommendations in your area.

Schedule a consultation or two with your top choices and bring a list of questions. You should feel comfortable and confident discussing your goals and working with your plastic surgeon.

Labiaplasty can be an ideal solution for women who are in good physical and mental health and who are experiencing pain, discomfort or self-consciousness due to enlarged inner and/or outer labia.

Note that labiaplasty will not address vaginal laxity, dryness, urinary stress incontinence or other similar concerns. Dr. Mariotti will listen to your specific concerns and goals during your consultation to help you decide if labiaplasty could be right for you.

Yes. Many women choose to include labiaplasty in their mommy makeover to help repair damage caused by childbirth. Some other common procedures that you might consider including in a mommy makeover include abdominoplasty, liposuction, breast augmentation, and a breast lift.

No, you shouldn’t feel any pain or discomfort during your labiaplasty procedure, as it is performed under general anesthesia or using a local anesthetic combined with deep sedation.

Afterward, swelling, bruising, and tenderness are to be expected. Applying a cold compress to the area and taking any prescribed pain medication as directed by Dr. Mariotti can help to make you comfortable during recovery.

Most women are able to return to work and other normal daily activities within around one week after a labiaplasty procedure. However, you will need to refrain from sexual intercourse and strenuous physical activity for at least four weeks after your procedure.

You should begin to see the results of your labiaplasty gradually taking shape within the weeks following your procedure. Swelling and bruising will temporarily camouflage results at first, so don’t be alarmed if your results don’t look “normal” right away. Allow your body the time it needs to heal and recover as your results continue to develop.

Yes, labiaplasty results are permanent in the sense that once the excess tissue is trimmed away, it is removed for good. However, it is important to note that factors such as the natural aging process, childbirth, and others can affect this area of your body in the future.

*Information for education only, not meant as a guarantee of results. Your results may vary. Unless otherwise noted, images on this site are of models.

Service Type
Provider Name
Dr. Eric Mariotti,
2222 East Street #310,Concord,CA-94520,
Telephone No.9256854533
Walnut Creek, California
Dr. Eric Mariotti is a talented and caring plastic surgeon who performs labiaplasty to help Walnut Creek and Danville women feel more confident and comfortable.